Frequently Asked Questions

If the long-lasting data anomalies and data settlement could tell you an approximate magnitude, location and date of a big earthquake, there are so many things you can do in advance at home and at work to prepare for it.

  • Prepare water and food, etc.
  • Flashlights for night time.
  • Check hazardous objects, objects on shelves and secure furniture, etc.
  • Avoid taking elevators.
  • Double check a meeting place with your family members and update contact information.
  • Reconfirm evacuation areas and gathering places.
  • Consider postponing business trips and personal travel, etc.
  • If your location is far from the epicenter, as you will have already received an earthquake prediction email, you will be able to act on it immediately after you get an emergency earthquake notification.

For Employees of Public Institutions and Community Members Related to Disaster Prevention

- Establish a Disaster Control Team in Advance -

Our service allows you to establish a disaster control team at your public institution that is related to disaster prevention. This enables you to organize rescue systems, and helps you respond quickly in case of an actual earthquake. For example, FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) in the United States established a disaster response team a few days before the hurricane landed in 2008, and instructed civilians who lived in the pathway of the hurricane to evacuate in advance of the disaster.
This is one of the goals we aim to achieve.

Although emergency earthquake alerts are widely known, this is a completely different system from the earthquake prediction system. An emergency earthquake alert is only released after a big earthquake occurs.
Among all the shakes, it detects weak P-waves that travel faster than other seismic waves, calculates strong S-waves (Secondary waves) in a short period and then sends an alert.
Depending on the distance from the epicenter, it usually only gives you a few seconds to tens of seconds till the shocks arrive, and this is not effective for epicentral earthquakes in which P-waves and S-waves arrive together.

On the contrary, earthquake predictions based on electromagnetic noise observations using Reverse Radio usually give a few days or sometimes a few weeks from the time the data was provided until an earthquake occurs (even for a medium-scale earthquake of M4 or M5 class). In addition, for earthquakes that are M6 or larger, data anomalies (predictions) can be seen a few weeks to a few months before it happens.

Why aren’t the country and universities studying such a useful earthquake prediction system? Many discussions were held about its problems and twists and turns in the past.

  1. The government of Japan has spent billions of yen on earthquake prediction studies.
  2. However, they have never succeeded in predicting any earthquakes.
  3. Instead, they deemed predicting earthquakes impossible and decided to engage in basic studies for earthquake predictions.
  4. Instead of predictions, they now send out emergency earthquake alerts. Emergency earthquake alerts are sent out using the time lag between P-waves and S-waves, and are not very useful if the earthquake is epicentral or happens in the vicinity of the epicenter.
  5. Although they have been conducting research on earthquakes for a long time, the fact that the Japanese government and public entities have not been successful in earthquake detections is all due to their methods of detection. It is generally believed that seismologists are the ones who should study earthquake predictions. Seismologists study the mechanism of earthquakes, and thought it would be useful to understand the movements occurring directly beneath the earth.
    However, in order to predict earthquakes, their precursory phenomenon must be captured. This requires a different method from the conventional research conducted by seismologists. Since it is extremely difficult to measure the movements in the focal area that is located tens of kilometers underground, understanding data of alternative characteristics is required.
  6. Electromagnetic noise, that is one of the precursors to an earthquake, can be considered as one of the alternative characteristics.
  7. We often hear that electromagnetic signals are not well received in seismology; however, as Dr. Mototsugu Ikeya, former honorary professor of Osaka University, wrote as a subtitle “From Folk Legends to Electromagnetic Seismology” of his famous book called “Why Do Animals Behave Unusually Before Earthquakes? ” (NHK Books), we believe that all the seismologists in the world should study more about electromagnetic noise as an earthquake precursor.

Why Do Animals Behave Unusually Before Earthquakes?

It is believed that “small animals notice an earthquake a few days prior to its occurrence” and “large animals notice it a few minutes to tens of minutes prior to its occurrence.”

Why? Changes in animal behavior prior to an earthquake and the receptors that sense the earth's magnetic field (hypothesis). Every year, migrant birds fly to Japan. For example, swans fly from Siberia to Lake Inawashiro every year, but how do they know where to go without carrying a map or reading a constellation yet arrive at the same place every time? It is a total mystery and there is no explanation for it.
Also, mountain climbers can get lost in snow storms, but we never find any deer, foxes or boars that became lost in snowy mountains and froze to death.
This is only a hypothesis, but all animals are believed to own a receptor in their brains and sense the earth’s magnetic field to perceive direction.
This receptor may be helping them to sense the electromagnetic noise signals released prior to an earthquake. A large amount of electromagnetic noise is received by the magnetic receptor, and animals sense the danger coming and flee to safer ground.
The Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami in December 2004 was a devastating disaster that killed more than 200,000 people in coastal areas. Some reports showed that there were very few dead animals and that elephants who were in coastal areas broke their chains and fled towards higher ground.
This magnetic receptor is considered to have been degenerated in human beings a long time ago. We believe that “Reverse Radio” can work as a new sensor for us to regain the functions of the magnetic receptor we lost.


2019年7月10日 ㈱新興技術研究所




福井観測点 2019年6月18日までの360日データ

(グラフは 縦軸1日あたりの電磁波パルス数、横軸 日付)
縦軸1日あたりの電磁波パルス数、横軸 日付

安曇野観測点 2019年6月18日までの360日データ

安曇野観測点 2019年6月18日までの360日データ
(1) 福井観測点の360日間のデータと深海魚の捕獲日、及び地震発生日
(2) 長野 安曇野観測点の360日間のデータと深海魚の捕獲日、及び地震発生日
(但し1月1日~3月10日頃まで 観測装置の不具合で欠測)
長野 安曇野観測点の360日間のデータと深海魚の捕獲日、及び地震発生日
(1) 190131 またリュウグウノツカイ 魚津の海岸 本年度県内5匹目
(2) 190201 2月1日富山湾沖合で、相次いでリュウグウノツカイが定置網にかかる
(3) 190207 深海魚リュウグウノツカイ なぜ 捕獲相次ぐ?/富山
(4) 190211 日本沿岸で発見相次ぐリュウグウノツカイ
(5) 190211 若狭湾沖の珍しい「サメハダホウズキイカ」捕獲
(6) 190214 今年に入り「幻の深海魚」リュウグウノツカイが日本海側で相次ぎ見つかる
(7) 190218 『リュウグウノツカイ』が新湊沖の定置網にかかる
(8) 190221 ダイオウイカ 島根に漂着
(9) 190224 墨吐く深海魚「アカナマダ」、31年ぶり富山湾に
(10) 190226 鳥取・夏泊漁港にリュウグウノツカイ漂着
(11) 190227 魚津にリュウグウノツカイ 県内9件目
(12) 190228 佐渡で水深600mほどの深海のユウレイイカ 珍しい、相次いで捕獲
2月14日現在のリュウグウノツカイ発見場所のマップ(YAHOO NEWSより)に、6月18日の震源を加筆。
<以下リュウグウノツカイと深海魚の主な発見場所 2018年10月~2019年6月>
ちょうどこの2019年6月に「深海魚は大地震の前触れ」は迷信、という論文が出た。 この内容を我々の上記の観測結果と比べてみた。

「深海魚は大地震の前触れ」は迷信 海洋研究所など調査6/27(木) 配信
6月18日 米地震学会誌に掲載された。

この調査は ネットのニュースで見る限り、深海魚の発見と地震の発生の関連を以下の条件で限定して関連つけている。

(1) 発見から30日後までに
(2) 発見場所から半径100キロ以内が震源の
(3) マグニチュード6以上の地震
(4) 07年7月の新潟中越沖地震以外は、地震は起きていなかった、と書いている。

しかし 我々の電磁波ノイズの推移からみた深海魚の発見捕縛の関連は 電磁波ノイズが上昇する2018年10月ごろから始まり、今年2019年1月ごろに電磁波ノイズの山はピークを迎えて次第に減衰していくが まだ電磁波ノイズが多く観測されている3月頃までは深海魚の発見が多数みられる。

上記の論文では深海魚の発見から30日間、発見場所から100km、という条件をどういう根拠で決めたか、が問題になると考えられる。想像では 日数と範囲を もっと広くとれば 別の見解になった可能性があると思われる。

2019年6月18日 山形沖地震 M6.8 発生(気象庁のHPより。)
2019年6月18日 山形沖地震 M6.8 発生(気象庁のHPより。)
2019年6月18日 山形沖地震 M6.8 発生(気象庁のHPより。)
7.補足 なぜリュウグウノツカイなどの深海魚が地震の前に現れるか?
(1) AM波は海中でも受信できる

この観測装置である逆ラジオRR3000はAMラジオの850kHzに乗ってくるノイズ(パルス性電磁波ノイズ)をとらえているが AM波は海中でも受信できるという実験がある。

しかし実験では AMラジオ波は吸収減衰が少ないので、受信できる。

(2) リュウグウノツカイなどの深海魚がAMラジオ帯のパルス性電磁波ノイズを感知できるか?は不明であり専門家の研究を待ちたいが 魚類一般に電波を感じる器官があることはいくつかの研究で報告されており、大地震発生前に起きる海中の地下からの強烈な電磁波ノイズを深海魚が感じて異常行動を起こす可能性はあると思われる。
We use a collection of data in which electromagnetic noise is measured as a precursor to earthquakes, and analyze it. For details, please refer to Principles of Earthquake Prediction.
Past earthquakes were predicted with high accuracy. Some of them can be viewed here.
Online registration requires payment by credit card only.
For corporate members, payments can be made by invoices. Please contact us here.

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